Many Variants

Many Variants


This add-on adds new variations of items to minecraft. At the moment the add-on is under development and will be supplemented. To date, only oak, birch, spruce, junge, dark_oak, accacia, crimson, warped and basalt tools have been added. In addition, sticks from all kinds of planks were added.

MC:BE ver. 1.16.100 and up!!!

List of added items:

Swords: accacia_sword; birch_sword; crimson_sword; dark_oak_sword; jungle_sword; oak_sword; spruce_sword; warped_sword.

Shovels: accacia_shovel; birch_shovel; crimson_shovel; dark_oak_shovel; jungle_shovel; oak_shovel; spruce_shovel; warped_shovel.

Axes: accacia_axe; birch_axe; crimson_axe; dark_oak_axe; jungle_axe; oak_axe; spruce_axe; warped_axe.

Pickaxes: accacia_pickaxe; birch_pickaxe; crimson_pickaxe; dark_oak_pickaxe; jungle_pickaxe; oak_pickaxe; spruce_pickaxe; warped_pickaxe.

Hoes: accacia_hoe; birch_hoe; crimson_hoe; dark_oak_hoe; jungle_hoe; oak_hoe; spruce_hoe; warped_hoe.

Bowls: bowl_accacia; bowl_birch; bowl_crimson; bowl_dark_oak; bowl_jungle; bowl_oak; bowl_spruce; bowl_warped.

Sticks: accacia_stick; birch_stick; crimson_stick; dark_oak_stick; jungle_stick; oak_stick; spruce_stick; warped_stick.

Beetroot soups, mushroom stews and rabbit_stews.  

 You can get each item by crafting or using the command "give".

Ex: /give mvar:beetroot_soup_with_accacia_bowl

Crafts examples:


Axes crafts



Swords crafts


Shovels crafts


Hoes crafts

Back to standart stick:

Sticks craft to stick

If you find a bug, write to me in discord or campfire

My Discord for contact: Foxuk#1206

My Campfire for conatct: @Foxuk