Record Program - 3YN0's Custom Records

Record Program - 3YN0's Custom Records


3YN0's Custom Record Program

Have you ever wanted to add your own music or records to minecraft?

What is it:


The 3yn0_Add_Records program, is a simple easy to use program, that allows you to put as many .ogg (sound) files into a directory, along with your own resource pack, as well as optional textures, and will output a datapack and your resource pack to put on your own single player world, or a server if desired.

How it's different:

Typically the standard way to add custom music to minecraft involves mods, plugins, or just overwriting the existing record sound files in the vanilla game. With this program it uses both a resource pack as well as a datapack to allow you to add as many discs as you want! Without overwriting any of the existing records in the game.

How it works:


The program will take the ogg files in the specified directory, add all the necessary mcfunctions to the datapack as well as adding the records to the loot tables for creepers.


Unzip the file provided:

Put whatever .ogg files you would like to add, see Music Folder for example

Name in this format:

"Song Title" - "Artist"

ex. Row your boat - Steve.ogg

Optionally if you have a specific texture for each .ogg file then put that texture in the textures folder using the same format, with the exception of the file extension which should be .png

ex. Row your boat - Steve.png

NOTE: If the titles don't match, or if no title is given, then the texture will select a random texture from the Textures/Default folder
You can also add/delete any textures in the Textures/Default Folder as you please


If you want to use your own custom resource pack, replace the "3yn0_custom_records_resourcepack" folder with whatever resource pack you'd like to use
Ensure the resource pack is not a .zip file. (This is useful if you have a specific resource pack for a server)

I recommend having a backup of your Textures, OGG files, datapack and resource pack, just in case something goes wrong

When you run the program it will remove any of the Textures and Music files to ensure you do not duplicate them if you run the program twice

If it is successful you should get a message in the program giving it a Title_ID, a Title, and a # ID

Once you have finished you can take the resource pack, and put it on your server/client %appdata%/.minecraft/resourcepacks and the datapack in the world file of your specific world
or server world/datapacks

To get the discs, a creeper must be shot by a skeleton and there will be a chance of it dropping

By default the paths are directed towards this directory, alternativley you can change them in the config file.



Make sure you change #ID# with the ID of the record you'd like (Note: The title will not be the same, that will only happen if the creeper is killed by an arrow of a skeleton)

(Use for Vanilla)
/give @p music_disc_11{CustomModelData:#ID#,display:{Name:'[{"text":"Music Disc","italic":false}]',Lore:['[{"text":"Title","italic":false,"color":"dark_blue"}]']},HideFlags:32} 1

(Use for Paper)
/give @p music_disc_11 1 {CustomModelData:#ID#,display:{Name:'[{"text":"Music Disc","italic":false}]',Lore:['[{"text":"Title","italic":false,"color":"dark_blue"}]']},HideFlags:32}