A Simple Death Counter

A Simple Death Counter



A simple fabric mod that counts player deaths and kills. The mod counts the total deaths and kills and even specific types of deaths and kills. This mod allows you to display your own, another player, online and even offline, and the entire server's death and kill count. This mod allows you to rank the server's deaths and kills from most to least. The total death count of each player is displayed right below their name for convenience. This mod is compatible no matter how old the server is or how many players already have died, it should update automatically. 


  • Many easy-to-use commands to display a death or kill count of their own, a specific player, or the whole server.
  • Options to display a specific death type or entities killed instead of just the total. (e.g) "/deathcounter get player333 zombie" will return the number of times player333 died to a zombie.
  • Useful Operator Commands that limit reasons to ever manually alter death count data.
  • A nametag that displays a player's total deaths right above them.
  • Very easy setup and no need to manually enter data. Even if this mod is installed later in the server's life, it will read the player data to make sure it gets the accurate death count when first installed.


Standard Commands.

/deathcounter help
/deathcounter get <player> [deaths/kills] [total/type] <type>
/deathcounter list [deaths/kills] [total/type] <type>
/deathcounter rank [player] <player> [deaths/kills] [total]
/deathcounter rank [server] [deaths/kills] [total/type] <type>

Operator Commands.

/deathcounter set <player> [deaths/kills] [total/type] <type> <amount>
/deathcounter clear <player> [deaths/kills] [total/type] <type>
/deathcounter remove <player>


This is will be a section on any known bugs or any limitations to the mod.

  • When loading player nbt data, it will only be able to get the total deaths and the deaths caused by entities. This is because Minecraft only stores that type of data and installing this mod later in the server life will cause no issues but it won't be as accurate on death types that aren't the total deaths or the deaths caused by entities.


If there are any bugs, please comment on what the bug is and how it happened and I will try to fix it as fast as possible. If you want to see a specific feature in this mod, leave a comment below and I'll try to accommodate to any suggestions. I hope you enjoy this mod.

This mod was based on an old plugin of mine. I decided to swap from bukkit to fabric because bukkit API is too limiting and bukkit servers are generally slow. If you want to check out the plugin, click here.