A.V.A - Alliance of Valiant Arms Guns

A.V.A - Alliance of Valiant Arms Guns




More Sniper Gallery Images:

More Cold Case Images:

More Pyramid Images:

Useful Links:

All Weapons IDs and Their Classification

Competitive Mode

More Images

Discord Server



R -> reload (can be edited)

N -> activate/deactivate night vision device (can be edited)

Q -> swap to last chosen slot (can be edited)

F6 -> choose preset 1 (can be edited)

F7 -> choose preset 2 (can be edited)

F8 -> choose preset 3 (can be edited)

Using grenade:

Left button to throw, right button to toss

Weapon chest items:

Right-click to open the gui, and you can select a weapon out of it. The chest (crate) will be consumed.


Testing glass destroy and crosshair commands
/ava enableFriendlyFire {true/false} //decides can player hurt other players that are in the same team
/ava enableReducedAllyDamage {true/false} // if set to true and friendly fire is enable, the damage to ally is reduced.
/ava enableCrossHair {true/false} // decides whether all players in this world can have their crosshair rendered

/ava enableGlassDestroy {true/false} // whether blocks like glass can be destroyed by bullets

/ava setMobDropKitChance {float decimal number between 0~1} // sets the chance (represent using float decimal number) for mobs to drop special kits

/ava setRecoilRefundType {none/linear/exponential} // decides the way of players' view will automatically go down to go back to the original position before firing, this affects all players.

// all commands above required permission level 3(same as /kick, /op ...etc) to be able to execute

/ava playerBoosts {attackDamage/health} {add/set} {target(s)} {amount} //sets the level of player attribute boosts. Each Attack Damage Boost raises the damage dealt by AVA weapons by 1, each Health Boost increases the player maximum health by 1.5

/ava organizeitemframes  //Restores/cleans the animation of the guns in the item frames

// all commands above required permission level 2(same as /difficulty, /effect ...etc) to be able to execute

Client only commands:

/ava preset {set/select/default} {id 1~3} // client commands for preset configurations

-> /ava preset set 1 // save the contents in the current inventory to preset 1

-> /ava preset select 2 // select the preset 2 for next spawn

-> /ava preset default 3 // restore preset 3 to default values

/ava showCrossHair {true/false} //every player can decide if their crosshair should be rendered, but will be overridden by /ava enableCrossHair where is managed by the server. -> Now in client config

Crafting System:


Crafting recipe of crafting table:

"I   I   I",
"I I I"
Crafting recipe of colouring/painting table:
"I   I  I",
"I I I"

I -> iron ingot

O -> obsidian

G -> gold ingot

B -> bone block
W -> white wool

Special Thanks to:

145play145 for language support (ru_ru)

zJustCombo for language support (de_de)

MaidenVans for language support (vi_vn)

StatiK_404 for language support (tr_tr)

Eric LEGUEBE for language support (fr_fr)

jinwk00 for assets (sounds/icons...etc) support


Alliance of Valiant Arms: Annihilation

A.V.A: Prison Break - Escape

Got any issues, ideas/suggestions?


By jinwk00