Access Control

Access Control


Pesky players opening your doors? Touching things you don't like them to get their mitts on? This mod is just what you need!

Please note atm that this mod is very I mean VERRRRRRRY early alpha! Like so early it's missing some of the qol stuff and could be riddled with bugs + has no recipes for crafting. For this reason I highly recommend only using this mod for creative worlds you intend on playing on in adventure mode for the time being until it gets complete. I'm posting this here so that I can get some early feedback.

Requires the Baubles mod (latest version recommended 1.12.2)

Current items in the mod:
Swipe card: Normal Swipe card used to open/close doors

ID card: SCP ID card. Same as swipe card but textured differently.

Screwdriver: used to perform functions on some blocks. Right clicking a door control links any of the doors (metal or glass door) to the doorcontroller. Right clicking the door itself changes its mode to automatic or push.

Door Manager: The item that lets you manage the entirety of the system. Used for editing passes, door systems, users, etc, for writing user's cards, and linking all the devices. Sneak-right click with the door handler to open its interface. Right clicking blocks without sneaking can perform actions on the block you are clicking, such as changing a block's settings or linking it to a door system. You can link readers and door controllers.

Door Control: A block that can control the doors that come with the mod (not vanilla stuff). Right click with screwdriver when you place the doors to link. This can also be disguised by right clicking with a block.

Redstone Door Control: Outputs a redstone signal instead of controlling doors directly like the above doorcontroller. Not disguisable

Metal/Glass Door: The doors only controlled by the door controller. Use screwdriver to change mode between automatic and push. Automatic is default and just means if the user is granted, the door opens and closes automatically. Push means that if the user is granted, they can just open and close the door like a wooden door until the timer runs out, which then will let you close the door but not open it again until swiping the card

Card Reader: The basic card reader. Displays the text on the display and has the light bar on the bottom. It's a regular block size too, so good for some situations where you want the big one but only on one side or can't swipe from the other side due to how the place was built.

Card Reader (Double): Same as above, but the 3D part of the model and text is on both sides of the block.

Card Reader (Small): A mini version of the reader that can be placed on the wall.

Sector controller: A block that can change the status of the set sector with a redstone signal. Right click without sneaking with a door handler to change its settings.

Here are some ideas for stuff I possibly want to add

  1. Sector System: Similar to the regular door system implemented, but there is no way to use the card reader unless a lockdown was enabled. Good for locking down portions of the base if an alarm goes off.
  2. Alarm - a loud alarm that can maybe be controlled by the sector system above
  3. (((stuff below is maybe gonna be added later but not soon)))
  4. Motion Sensor - detects motion in a radius. Can be configured to sound an alarm or open a door if needed.
  5. Laser - detects an entity passing through. Can be configured to sound an alarm or open a door if needed.
  6. MOOOOOORE if I think of it :)

Stuff I think would be cool if I learned it

  1. Animations - I think it'd be cool if it showed the player swiping the card.
  2. Card Reader (multi-user mode) - require the user to keep the card in the slot and wait for all readers to be activated to open the door. Good for roleplays and would use the animations.
  3. ID card - a wearable ID card that, if the player is right clicked on, shows credentials. Good roleplay item.
  4. MOOOORE yes

Thank you to OpenSecurity, Security Craft, and Applied Energistics 2 for their source code being available on Github! They really helped for learning how parts of the 1.12.2 development environment worked and how to implement some of the features I needed (OpenSecurity especially helped for the disguisability of the DoorController. Never could have done it without that)

Thank you to @doctor_barnaby_plague (discord) for some of the textures like the ID card and some of the doors!