Wild West Guns and Dimension

Wild West Guns and Dimension


Travel to the Wild West Dimension to complete your Western Themed experience. The Wild West Dimension includes vanilla and custom biomes that can be found in the American West. This mod also includes 2 western themed naturally generated structures, a few western themed building blocks, and a few western themed armor pieces.

Create a portal out of oak planks following the shape of a nether portal and then use the special tool to light it.

Custom weapons:

-Colt SAA Revolver w/ 2 color schemes (Cattleman from RDR2)        -  uses 0.45 ammo

-S&W Model 3 Revolver w/ 2 color schemes (Schofield from RDR2)         - uses 0.45 ammo

-Winchester 1873 Lever Action Repeater Rifle (Lancaster Repeater from RDR2)      - uses 0.44-40 Win ammo

-Double Barrel Shotgun (same name from RDR2)          -uses buckshot

-Sawed off Shotgun (same name from RDR2)            -uses buckshot

-Springfield Rifle (same name from RDR2)            -uses 45-70 ammo

-Hunter's Knife


-Navy Revolver (same name from RDO)      - uses 0.45 ammo

Custom Ammo:


-0.44-40 Win



Custom Biomes:

-Prairie, Prairie Hills, Prairie Forest

-Desolate Desert

-Lush Desert

Custom Naturally Generated Structures:

-Abandoned Homesteads

-Ancient Missions

-Ghost Towns


-Desert Fort

Custom mobs:

-Long horn steer 


-2 "outlaw" mobs to spawn at night and replace vanilla monsters

-8 friendly 'NPC' mobs to populate towns (only 6 of them are spawning atm)

-1 boss mob, the summoning block can be found in desert forts and is available in creative

Custom Armor:

-3 duster coat jackets (all to be worn in place of a chestplate)

-3 optional duster coat tails ( to be worn in place of leggings to give the classic long western coat look)

-3 corsets

-2 saloon skirts

-3 vests

-5 cowboy hats

-1 poncho

Important Info:

-guns are repaired by cleaning them. Hold the gun in your main hand and unload (U by default) and then move the gun to your off hand. Hold the cleaning rag in your main hand and right click.

-in order for guns to be fired, they first must be loaded. Hold the gun in your main hand and hit reload (R by default). Do this until the weapon is at full capacity or begin shooting at any time.

-Friendly NPCs will spawn at their spawning blocks in town, the spawning blocks are invisible and can be walked through but the outline will still show up when the player targets the spawning block

-All but 2 spawning blocks can be found in the respective building in town, behind the 'counter-top', towards the middle of the counter or room

-The spawning blocks will update randomly, but they will update when a player or mob walks through one. Only one NPC per NPC type will spawn in a 64 block radius at one time.

-Sheriff's will attack outlaw NPCs and Outlaws will attack sheriffs and any friendly NPCs that they see.

-Blaze rods can be found in the loot chests of ancient missions

-Hostile vanilla mobs are spawned and immediately despawned. This causes some lag at night and in caves. I cannot find any other way around this at this time. Sleeping to make it daytime, lighting up areas, etc should help with the lag somewhat.

-The mod's boss is spawned by stepping on top of the spawning block. This can be done by any entity, not just players. It is possible that the boss will have already been spawned by the time the player reaches the structure and possible that the block will need to be replaced by the player. Improvements for this feature are planned.

-The Navy Revolver is only available as a reward for killing the boss

Known Bugs/Issues:

-Sleeping does not end the night or thunderstorms

-Some recipes may not show up

-The only custom advancement does not work

-There is no crafting recipe for the tool used to light the portal into the Wild West. This must be obtained through creative mode.

-Vanilla overworld monsters are still spawning


To-Do List/Roadmap:


-Beef Jerky

-Tonics, potion like food items that will be crafted with some type of plant and glass bottles

-Fix Long horn steer model and textures and reimplement the feature

-Fix chests in randomly generated structures

-Add ghost towns that naturally generate

-Hostile NPCs/humanoid mobs

-Currency system, a catalogue, and maybe a replacement for villagers

-maybe more melee weapons

-Lush desert improvements (more sand, cacti, etc)

Follow my twitter @ace51gaming for more updates on the development of my mod.

You may use this mod in modpacks so long as I receive credit for my mod and you don’t make any money off the modpack.