Achieve Fix

Achieve Fix



Achieve Fix addresses inconsistencies in Minecraft achievements, ensuring they work as intended and feel more logical to players.


  • Improved A Seedy Place Achievement: The achievement now unlocks when planting any type of crop, including cocoa beans.
  • Quality-of-Life Enhancement: Provides a more intuitive and fair gameplay experience for achievement hunters.


The mod will expand to:

  • Fix additional achievements deemed inconsistent or buggy.
  • Introduce configurable options for custom achievement behavior.
  • Enhance compatibility with other mods that add new crops or achievements.


Currently, Achieve Fix focuses on improving the A Seedy Place achievement by allowing it to trigger for planting any crop, including cocoa beans. This simple tweak ensures a more inclusive and logical progression system for players.

Future updates will address other problematic achievements, offering better integration with both vanilla and modded content.

🎨 Our Mods

If you are interested in the mod and its development or have any ideas, then welcome to the discord server(