Dimension and Entity Showcase!
This is a view of the Sightseer and the Amalgum Forest. This blind mob has very poor senses and wanders the world aimlessly, filter-feeding the particles given from the unique spongewood trees.
Armor Showcase
This is the Voyager armor set, which is crafted from Cerisium and Tattered Plates from the Sightseer.
Block Showcase!
These are all of the blocks in the Peridot/Perithyst family.
Ores Showcase
These are the Peridot(top) and the Cerisium(bottom) ores.
These are all of the variants of the Perithyst Scythe that can be changed by shift left-clicking the smithing table. In the item description of each, you can get a little lore about each weapon.
Scythe Showcase!
This is the Perithyst Scythe when held in hand, it does not look like a pink and green eggplant.