


1. /jail

The /jail command surrounds your target entity with barrier blocks.

This command also turns their ability to build 'off' to prevent placing water to get out, or poling out with blocks.

This command will NOT trap anyone with flying abilities and/or GM 1

Assuming that you have world edit installed, to undo /jail do the following

/tp (player) @p

/replacenear 10 barrier air

/b_allow (player)

2. /b_allow

This command requires excess permission to run (defaults CANNOT do this command)

the /b_allow command allows the player ability to place blocks.

3. /b_deny

This command requires excess permission to run (defaults CANNOT do this command)

the /b_deny command restricts the player's ability to place blocks.

4. /combust

This command requires excess permission to run (defaults CANNOT do this command)

the /combust command deals a lot of quick fire damage in the span of 4 seconds.

5. /roast

This command requires excess permission to run (defaults CANNOT do this command)

the /roast command sets your target on fire... dealing slow damage to them.

6. /pvp_deny

This command requires excess permission to run (defaults CANNOT do this command)

the /pvp_deny command restricts the target player of their ability to hit their opponent.

this disables PVP. Not player vs mob.

7. /pvp_accept

This command requires excess permission to run (defaults CANNOT do this command)

the /pvp_accept command allows the target player to hit an opponent.

this enables PVP. Not player vs mob.

8. /d_deny

This command requires excess permission to run (defaults CANNOT do this command)

the /d_deny command restricts ability to destroy blocks

9. /d_accept

This command requires excess permission to run (defaults CANNOT do this command)

the /d_deny command restricts ability to destroy blocks

10. /annoy

This command requires excess permission to run (defaults CANNOT do this command)

not detrimental, but rather annoying over time.

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