Advanced Generators

Advanced Generators


Custom Fuel Datapack

pinguino132 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Hello, i'm having trouble trying to add forge:ethanol to a datapack so i can use Immersive Engineering Ethanol and other mods ethanol as fuel for the gas turbine generator.

It's structure data -> minecraft -> advgenerators -> recipes -> fuel -> ethanol.json

"type": "advgenerators:liquid_fuel",
"fuel": {
"fluid": "forge:ethanol"
"fePerMb": 975


fuel recipes currently don't work with tags, you need to give them the actual fluid id from a specific mod


I've checked, with latest versions something like this should work for tags

  "type": "advgenerators:liquid_fuel",
  "fuel": {
    "fluidTag": "forge:bioethanol"
  "fePerMb": 100000

Added: Also your path is wrong, it should be e.g. datapacks\yourpackname\data\advgenerators\recipes\fuel\bioethanol.json