- 0
Error's on server start
#221 opened by Reaviik - 2
Gas Burning Turbine generation rate is way too low
#201 opened by changhe3 - 2
When I mistakenly tried to drain a Fluid Intake Valve with a Fluid pipe, the server crashed
#202 opened by lolosiax - 2
Language provider missing
#203 opened by BigAl607 - 2
Have informations from wiki accessible in-game?
#204 opened by Shadlock0133 - 2
syngas seems to be un pullable.
#205 opened by SpiderKraken - 2
Custom Fuel Datapack
#206 opened by pinguino132 - 1
adding bcfuels to 1.12.2 ag
#207 opened by redfoxrommy - 2
Unknown item 'advgenerators:gas_input'
#208 opened by Fatmice - 2
NBSP Showing as an icon instead of space
#209 opened by CassieRoseZA - 1
Sensor Module GUI bug
#210 opened by Zuxelus - 2
[1.19.2 Request] - Support for IC2 Classic
#211 opened by ToxinZangoose - 3
The mod is "ignored" by minecraft when running on 1.19 (the corresponding version)
#212 opened by xelanexxx - 1
No bronze or enderium recipe
#213 opened by ArcusMG - 1
Cannot add new fuels
#214 opened by DigiF1sh - 0
Sensor Module GUI Bug in 1.18.2
#215 opened by Rundas01 - 1
Sever Errors
#216 opened by Tomboru - 0
IC2 Classic Compat wrong cables for tier
#217 opened by Meduris - 0
Crash on load with IC2
#218 opened by RainbowTabitha - 0
Output Control clarification needed
#222 opened by AnrDaemon - 0
[1.7.10][GTNH] Fixed EnderIO oredict is incompatible with Adv.Generators
#223 opened by AnrDaemon - 1
[1.12.2] Every recipe is 2 times in JEI
#189 opened by TheSnowyChickens - 1
Exception loading model
#190 opened by bookerthegeek - 2
Recipes for ic2 compatible stuff doesn't have recipes when ic2 classic is loaded.
#191 opened by Trinsdar - 4
CraftTweaker support
#192 opened by Rundas01 - 1
Crash when loading save
#193 opened by grydian - 1
BACON information not on the wiki
#194 opened by OmegaPaladin - 1
Advanced Generators Duping Gases
#195 opened by NielsPilgaard - 1
Output Configuration crashes the game
#196 opened by jsmierzchalski - 1
Syngas does not go in buckets
#198 opened by Nysterian - 2
[1.16.5] Heat generator interface crash + bucket consume
#199 opened by TheSnowyChickens - 1
[Suggestion] Configurable Steam Turbine Input
#200 opened by Jerome226 - 1
Texture conflict with Extream Reactors
#169 opened by Dente222 - 2
[1.12.2] Machine Data Port has no texture
#170 opened by SnowShock35 - 4
Suggestion: Thermal Expansion Tree Oil and other fuels
#171 opened by TheDarkPreacher - 1
ChiselsAndBits conflict
#172 opened by TechnicJelle - 2
Crash On Loading
#173 opened by CyberShroom - 2
Actually Additions Canola oil too weak
#174 opened by repvik - 1
[1.12.2] Missing support for EnderIO
#175 opened by LuciusV - 1
Game/server crashes if you attempt to remove a machine part with a sticky piston
#176 opened by DustinStuff - 1
[Request] Add biocoal from Actually Additions as coal source
#177 opened by winsrp - 1
[request] Add molten uranium (immersive engineering) as heat source for heat exchanger
#178 opened by winsrp - 5
Advanced pressure valve has no recipe
#179 opened by FallenRecruit - 1
Energy value read by OC is one digit short of the actual value in the generator
#180 opened by Fatmice - 1
Extra Utilities Redcoal useful in syngas producer?
#181 opened by DoomSquirter - 1
JEI Rendering crash
#183 opened by Azzyypaaras - 2
AdvGen detects metals but wont add turbine recipes
#184 opened by GamertechAU - 1
Steam Turbine Bug
#185 opened by Redrabbitsama - 5
Recipe conflict with Thermal Foundation iron gear
#187 opened by altDark - 1
Multiblock structures
#188 opened by eRko16