Advanced Generators

Advanced Generators


Request - Make RF cables

winsrp opened this issue ยท 8 comments


could you make some RF cables that work all around? Same as your pipes from the other mod? maybe in tiers instead of a suck it all cable? I use fluxed redstone cables, since its the only mod that comes with cables that "work" for 1.8.9


Buildcraft does have energy pipes that transfer rf they are called kinesis pipes and yes they are there in 1.8.9


Click the link in my previous comment, it's for the 1.8.9 version of BC that works just fine.


I'll be damn... I'm trying those out. Thanks for the info.


So I've seen all the tutorials about BC done all the trials, and I've made 6 examples.

For reference
BC = Buildcraft, FR = fluxed Redstone, PA = progresive automation, AG = Advanced Generators

BC Engine + BC pipes = no power
BC Engine + FR pipes = no power
PA Engine + BC pipes = no power
PA Engine + FR pipes = power yay!
AG Engine + BC pipes = no power
AG Engine + FR pipes = no power

So question here... have you guys tried the BC pipes to see if they actually work on 1.8.9, it cannot be that I'm that stupid.


Way too busy with other stuff at the moment.

Buildcraft has working energy pipes for now.


Buildcraft does not works for 1.8.9, the only mod cables in 1.8.9 is fluxed redstone which does not works with your mod.


never mind I just figured out what it was... you need the import pipe attached to the generator then power flows with BC cables... why it has to be so complicated... uhgg


Yes you need to have a wooden kinesis pipe or an emerald one to input the power into the energy line