[1.9] Crash on Forge 1835
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Instance crash when trying to load using Forge 1835
I know Forge is changing everyday, but also know they are minor fixes, hopefully we can get a new version soon.
Fixed in d3bf138 + bdew-minecraft/bdlib@f090563.
Note that you will need to update BDLib and probably forge itself (there are more breaking changes after 1835, this build was with 1843)
Thanks, but updated to 1843 and still crashes. I guess either something is broke on my testing enviroment, or Forge keep breaking things by the second :P I guess at this point the best will be to wait for a stable/recommended version of forge. Or maybe I downloaded the wrong ones.
Here is the crash and the versions I used.
I think you updated BDLib and Pressure Pipes but not Advanced Generators?
You want this build: http://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/advanced-generators/files/2292327
I guess at this point the best will be to wait for a stable/recommended version of forge.
From what i understand there won't be one for 1.9.0, once they finish cleanup/refactoring they will update to 1.9.2.