Advanced Lightsabers

Advanced Lightsabers


Client Crash (on server)

Cronosus opened this issue ยท 7 comments


on server, when i get lightsaber from creative, client crash (rightclick in NEI to give)

server say this:


The server uses Kcauldron, it is know to cause a ton of errors, as they modifly a lot of how to put it "core classes" (i dont have a better name.) So a fix might be on their side. Try running this on a vanilla forge server, with the same mods and world and configs.

I can spawn it perfectly fine, no crashes or anything , Creative, Creative+ or Survival mode.

TIP: If you only need Essentials and no other bukkit plugins, use a forge server and install Forge Essentials, it has a lot more features, specially when it comes with Forge Mods. If performace is an issue put the latest FastCraft jar into the server.


This is due to NEI using the /give command for giving a player an item. Unfortunately, that also means it's limited to Minecraft's chat character limit.
Lightsabers use NBT data to store all of their properties, meaning they'll have a pretty long NBT tag string. As a result of this, the command executed by NEI becomes (for example)
/give <player> lightsabers:lightsaber 1 0 {Parts:{emitter:"Graflex",switch_sec
rather than the command with the full NBT tag, resulting in the crash.

Unfortunately, there isn't really anything I can do about this.


Interesting, why then i dont crash? I've tried all the sabers, i can spawn em perfecly.... Just generaly interested.


NEI only utilizes the /give command on servers, to ensure the player only gets the item if they can give themselves items without the mod's help.


It crash only client, but only when click in nei on it to give, i warn my teammembers to not use nei for give, only creative menu.
I can't use forge server, we need some plugins like scripts, variable triggers, login protection plugins... forge server is useless for this.
but thanks for info.


Forge Essentials Features(Modules)
B:AuthLogin=Login Protection(validation)
B:Commands=TPS,GOD, noclipc ect
B:Multiworld=Multi World
B:PlayerLogger=Logs player changes, rols back reqions and such
B:Remote=Dunno about this one
B:SignTools=Sign commands
B:Tickets=Suppor tickets(contact admin feature ish)
B:WEIntegrationTools=World Edit that is made to be used with forge, works perfecly for me atleast with all modded blocks.
B:WorldBorder=World Border
B:mapper=Dont know about this one
B:perftools=Performance tools i guess

Everything can be disabled if not required. Forge server is not useless, and has 100% support and 99% more compatibility, the mods are there, you just need to search for them.


still not enought, 9 plugins which we use not there..
as i say, for me is forgeserver useless