- 0
Structure Config
#64 opened by Kinishar - 0
Healing doesn't work
#72 opened by Cupmann - 1
#65 opened by Kinishar - 0
Lightsabers do not work with shaders
#66 opened by RamiK12 - 1
Force Problems
#67 opened by DavidBN123 - 1
No key config options to use force ability
#69 opened by Grimmy347 - 1
update to 1.16.5
#68 opened by HeyBigPhillip - 1
pls make a 1.12.1 vision
#70 opened by Collinsmods - 2
idk how to get force xp with a command
#71 opened by TimYTx2 - 1
it says to update this becuase it is an old version
#75 opened by Getnewupdates - 1
Cosmetic Armor causing armor glitch
#47 opened by NothingTheta - 1
lightsaber wont turn on
#48 opened by Pearce123 - 0
Advanced Lightsabers Doesn`t work with shaders
#49 opened by YTJackBoom - 0
[1.7.10] Crash when loading a world while using both Dynamic Lights and Advanced Lightsabers
#50 opened by WolfBV - 1
1.2.0 breaks... someething?
#51 opened by sirtacothefirst - 2
Server Crash - GuiScreen
#52 opened by awitkowski0 - 5
My force XP keeps resetting
#53 opened by Swornhill - 1
Built in optifine dynamic lights
#54 opened by Yeremyahu - 0
my game crashed trying to run this mod and gave me "Rendering Block Entity"
#55 opened by Marmalito1342 - 4
Non-exsitant lightsaber being rendered in multiplayer
#56 opened by fr-Pursuit - 1
Mod crashes when throwing lightsaber
#58 opened by jlc5087 - 1
#57 opened by KamiSami - 4
Healing does nothing
#59 opened by KamiSami - 2
A fatal error has occured, this connection is terminated
#60 opened by ObviouslyTaxi - 1
Lightsaber wont turn om
#61 opened by Tw04Juan - 0
1.12.2 port
#62 opened by vaqxai - 0
Lightsaber will not turn on
#63 opened by ZephyrInASweater - 0
Strange Bug on 1.7.10
#24 opened by Aels-Dorels - 0
Force Lightning able to pass through blocks
#25 opened by peterdc201 - 7
spam and freezing on server
#26 opened by Cronosus - 1
Force Sensitivity disabling
#27 opened by Cronosus - 2
Holocron error
#28 opened by Jdroppert - 0
Can't Break Blocks
#29 opened by Otaku22 - 4
Add a license
#30 opened by wormzjl - 2
Force Abilities breaking mounts.
#31 opened by nerdiestmaximus - 3
Screen Going black after using - Force Speed / Vision / Stealth
#32 opened by WestPally - 1
Can't use rideable entities with a force power selected.
#33 opened by razorethan - 1
Game crashes at World Loading screen
#34 opened by Gametron13 - 2
Exception in server tick loop
#35 opened by morbidretrospect - 1
Accidental Scala dependency
#36 opened by FiskFille - 2
I cant even open a world
#37 opened by minecrafter111111111111111111111111111 - 2
Ticking Screen Error when trying to join my forge server
#38 opened by Amarrian - 0
Can't get rid of force powers.
#39 opened by TheGuardian2313 - 0
Lagging while holding light saber
#40 opened by Viadetesta - 2
Game Crash/"Shutting Down Internal Server"
#41 opened by DarthGolden - 2
#42 opened by OmegaRogue - 2
Ticking Entity - Game Crash
#43 opened by cjupiter - 1
#44 opened by Darth-Vitiate - 0
#45 opened by Darth-Vitiate - 1
Crash when trying create/enter to a wolrd.... Please help me :(
#46 opened by Taliom