Non-exsitant lightsaber being rendered in multiplayer
fr-Pursuit opened this issue ยท 4 comments
While playing on a multiplayer server, a lightsaber appears on every distant player even when they don't have one.
This is due to a bug in ClientEventHandler.onRenderPlayerSpecialsPre()
Indeed, the condition data != LightsaberData.EMPTY
should be replaced with data.equals(LightsaberData.EMPTY)
, as the reference comparison you're using only works when data
was set locally from the LightsaberData.EMPTY
It's src/main/java/com/fiskmods/lightsabers/common/event/ClientEventHandler.java
It has a number of other issues, too.
Hey man where can i find that file so i can edit it out its annoying the fuck out of my friends and me?