Texture fail
yagizcamo93 opened this issue · 8 comments
Could you send me your game log?
If you don't know how to do this,
After that, go into your game and make sure it's still happening, and then send me a Paste of all the text in your launcher
ı tried and still same ı am sorry my log
Ah. I must've seen your message before you added the link, then.
Anyway, the issue has to do with your system's default Locale, where Turkish character sets get in the way. It tries to get the lowercase 'I' and expects 'i'. Instead, 'ı' (Turkish dotless 'i') is returned.
The only quick fix I know of involves setting your system's language to another.
thank you for help
I am using windows 10 Turkish should ı change language ? or just minecraft's language
I get it okey
I will change my system's language . Thank you .if it work I will write.