Advanced Nether Chest

Advanced Nether Chest


Advanced Nether Chest - a mod that adds chests from Nether blocks to Minecraft, currently there are 23 chests in the mod!

Some of them have their own unique features, for example: a chest made of crying obsidian has exactly the same particles as the block itself.

Supported languages:

  • EN - English
  • RU - Русский 

Support for mod loaders:

  • Forge


List of chests: 

  1. Ancient Debris Chest 
  2. Basalt Chest
  3. Bedrock Chest
  4. Blackstone Chest
  5. Bone Chest
  6. Crying Obsidian Chest
  7. Gilded Blackstone Chest
  8. Glowstone Chest
  9. Gold Chest
  10. Gravel Chest
  11. Magma Chest
  12. Nether Bricks Chest
  13. Nether Wart Chest
  14. Netherite Chest
  15. Nether Gold Ore Chest
  16. Nether Quartz Ore Chest
  17. Netherrack Chest
  18. Obsidian Chest
  19. Quartz Chest
  20. Shroomlight Chest
  21. Soul Sand Chest
  22. Soul Soil Chest
  23. Warped Wart Chest

Official video:

More videos:

 Russian: by "Пафосный Малыш"

Russian: by "Рома дан"

Russian: by "Main Pro"


 Creation recipes, all chests:

Creation recipes, netherite chest: