Advanced Nether Chest - a mod that adds chests from Nether blocks to Minecraft, currently there are 23 chests in the mod!
Some of them have their own unique features, for example: a chest made of crying obsidian has exactly the same particles as the block itself.
Supported languages:
- EN - English
- RU - Русский
Support for mod loaders:
- Forge
List of chests:
- Ancient Debris Chest
- Basalt Chest
- Bedrock Chest
- Blackstone Chest
- Bone Chest
- Crying Obsidian Chest
- Gilded Blackstone Chest
- Glowstone Chest
- Gold Chest
- Gravel Chest
- Magma Chest
- Nether Bricks Chest
- Nether Wart Chest
- Netherite Chest
- Nether Gold Ore Chest
- Nether Quartz Ore Chest
- Netherrack Chest
- Obsidian Chest
- Quartz Chest
- Shroomlight Chest
- Soul Sand Chest
- Soul Soil Chest
- Warped Wart Chest
Official video:
More videos:
Creation recipes, all chests:
Creation recipes, netherite chest: