- Made forgotten ruins even rarer but better chance to pull a legendary weapon. (either way, don't count too much on it)
- Added new kinds of weapons and tools! (Knives, machetes, throwable knife and hammers)
- Added a cannon. (This weapon is still work in progress so it does not work just yet, planned for future updates)
- Fixed a bug where bronze swords would only have 1 attack speed.
Knives are very weak, much weaker than any other weapon, but they are easier to craft, and they are very very fast, so if you use it correctly, they can be deadly!
Machetes are a tad stronger than swords, but also slower, so if you are into quick fighting, maybe this is not for you, they are somewhere in between the middle.
Throwable knife: It's craft is more difficult than a regular knife, and can only be made of steel, its power is considerable, but be careful how you throw it or you can lose it forever!
Hammer: Hammers are a very useful tool that can also be used as a weapon, they are very very very slow, but their attack truly compensates that; the use for hammers is to break every block every tool is needed for, but what is the contra? They are not as quick as the original tools, meaning you wont break a stone block at the same speed with a diamond hammer than with a diamond pickaxe.
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Advanced Weapons And Armor adds multiple new weapons, ores, mobs and of course, armorBut not the same way Minecraft has always been, this mod changes the mechanics of them in numerous ways, without affecting Minecraft vanilla's mechanics.
For example. to create an emerad sword, its not as simple as just putting two emeralds and a stick together, what would be the point?
To be able to use this new materials, you must combine different ones to make them, like the emerald sword, to make it, you must create an emerald shard, after that, you have to smelt it and you will get the emerald ingot, now you will be ready to make a sword or anything else you wish!
All the craftings were separated so you can see all of them by checking your recipe book.
But I will explain the rest of the mechanics.
LEGENDARY WEAPONS: Cannot be crafted, only found in Forgotten Temples.
Pluck: After Brufford's death, he gifted this weapon to Jonathan Joestar, bringing luck, PLUCK and strength to his journey. Having this weapon in your hand while opening a chest with loot might be a good idea...
Thor's Hammer(M'jolnr): M'jolnr is one of the best weapons this game adds, every time you hit an entity with this weapon, multiple thunderstrucks will hit the ground around you.
This weapon is not only a weapon, its a tool too! You can use this weapon/tool to dig with a considerable speed, but be careful what you mine, it can only mine diamonds and obsidian, not Lonsdaleite or Titanium.
Juana de Arco's Spear: This weapon is a very singular one! You can throw explosive weapon and deal a lot of damage, but you have to go grab it after you throw it, be careful where you throw it!
Soul Eater: This is a quick and deadly weapon, since it applies nausea, wither and poison to anyone it hits, but of course, this is all not for free, its high damage costs you having slowness, blindness and hunger while it's in your hand, you also cannot run with it in your hand.
Excalibur: After thousands of years, this weapon hasn't lost any of its power, and anyone that wields it will obtain the maximum power. Having this weapon in your hand will give you speed II, strenght II and Regeneration II.
Blade of Olympus: And for last, but not less important, we have The Blade Of Olympus, this one is very particular, because it can't even be found in the forgotten temples, instead, you must defeat Zeus himself to obtain it, this Sword will obliterate any mob it hits, but it makes you really really slow.
But how can I kill Zeus? Well that's easy! Well not really... but it's easy to explain. To defeat Zeus you must defeat the Ender Dragon, after that you must obtain the Ender Dragon Egg, with it you will be able to craft dragon scales, with those you can make a dragon block to make the portal frame, now you will need an igniter, to make it you will need a long lonsdaleite stick, two eyes of ender, and a diamond. Now you are ready to go, you can go in the portal, and you will have to find the fortress where Zeus is hiding, which is always very high up in the sky, so don't remove your sight from high above, or should you? The Forgotten Lands are full of Forgotten Guardians, who will do the impossible to protect Zeus from any intruder, watch out for them, they can be very dangerous.
Zeus Dungeon: This is the place where Zeus hides, its protected with multiple labyrinths, and even better its filled with a bunch of sweet loot!!
Carbon: Can be obtained only by mining, escentlal for crafting every material.
Copper: Can be obtained by mining and smelting, cannot be used to craft weaponry or armor, but instead to create Ingots for multiple mateirals making.
Bronze: Can be obtained by combining a copper ingot, an iron ingot and carbon.
Steel: Different from the rest of materials, steel cannot be found in caves or by mining, instead you must combine a bronze ingot, a copper ingot, carbon and an iron nugget to obtain a steel shard, smelt the steel shard and you will obtain a steel ingot.
Emerald: To make emerald tools, it won't be enough with just combining some regular emeralds and sticks, that wouldn't be very efficient would it? To make them you must combine a gold ingot, an emerald, carbon and a steel nugget, then you will obtain an emerald ingot which can be used to craft everything.
Lava Ingot: This material is very special, since it can be used not only to create weaponry and armor, but it also can be used to fix any kind of tool! (except vanilla ones), can be obtained by mining, but to get it you must find a lava lake, or more commonly found in the nether. To make an ingot, combine a lava shard, carbon, magma cream and a steel ingot.
Reinforced Gold: This material is a speicial material that is stronger than Diamond, since you need Diamond to upgrade to make it, simply combine a diamond nugget, a golden ingot, a steel shard, and carbon. itits duration is about the same as diamond, but its efficiency is the highest value in the whole mod.
Titanium: To obtain this material, you must have an ingot of reinforced gold, and conbine it with a diamond nugget, carbon, and a titanium shard, ,that can be obtained by smelting a Titanium Ore, that can be obtained by mining with a Diamond Pickaxe.
Obsidian: To create obsidian weaponry, you must have an ingot of Titaniun and combine it with carbon, a titanium nugget, and of course an obsidian shard, that can only be obtained by smelting an obsidian block.
Prismarine: This material can only be obtained by killing guardians and elder guardians in a water temple. to obtain an ingot you must combine carbon, a prismarine shard, a reinforced golden ingot and a diamond nugget.
Lonsdaleite: This is one of the strongest materials, can only be found mining, to make an ingot you must combine a lonsdaleite shard (found by mining), an obsidian ingot, one diamond and last but not less important carbon.
Dragonite: This material can only be found in The End, you must mine it with a diamon pickaxe or above; to make an ingot you must combine a lonsdaleite ingot, carbon, a dragonite shard, and dragon scales, to obtain the last material, you must kill the ender dragon, then grab the egg and put it in the crafting bench, it will give you 64 dragon scales, so use them wisely... Dragonite armor will grant you the power of Slow Falling,
Hyper Ingot: This is the absolute strongest material, it can be created by fusing a reinforced gold ingot, a copper ingot, a steel ingot, a dragonite ingot, a diamond, a lava ingot, a lonsdaleite ingot, an obsidian ingot and a titanium ingot. it will create one ingot, all of their abilities will be combined into one.
Dragon Pearl: This pearl is one of the essential materials to create Dragonite weaponry, to obtain it you must defeat the Wither, and witht the nether star, create this, which will give you 16 Pearls.
AXE GHOST: The Axe Ghost is a weapon that was once wielded by the hands of a mighty warrior who died during war, but his fight spirit was bigger than his will to die, so his soul has haunted his weapon which is now wandering around The Forgotten Lands, forgotten, and looking for something to kill.
THE FORGOTTEN GUARDIAN: Used to be an Iron Golem, who was captured, tortured and killed by Pillagers, without being able to protect its village, filled with anger, now lives in the Forgotten Lands, without being able to go to heaven or the nether, is haunted by the thought of not being able to fulfill its task of protecting his village.
TIMBERPIG: The Timberpig used to be a regular pig once, but he evolved, and always had one dream that became his obssesion: Chopping tress, but this was not an easy task, the shape of his pig hands won't let him chop anything; in fact, he has never chopped a single tree, all the other mobs mocked him for his impossible dream, so he escaped to the Forgotten Lands, where no one would make fun of him.
ZEUS: Zeus was bored in the Olympus, with nothing to do, he decided to invade the Forgotten Lands, to conquer everything who is here, will you let him take over this tormented place, or give him an end?
Zeus also wields the Blade Of Olympus, a magical sword that is the absolute definition of greatness and power.
That's it about this mod, if you want me to add something to this mod, please tell me and I will do my best to review it, thanks in advance for downloading this work made by me.