



Minecraft Mod to customize your Experience Orb colors & traits.


  1. Move the .jar into your "mods" folder in .minecraft (after installing Forge)
  2. Start the game & then close it
  3. Move/create any themes you want in .minecraft/config/advancedxp/themes/ in json format (default.json will be there as an example. Modifications to this file will not be saved).
  4. Start the game back up
  5. Type /axp or /advancedxp while on a server or single player world to cycle through your themes. You may edit individual theme files while the game is running, and you do not need to restart when you are done. You must restart to load or delete themes, though!

Theme Documentation

There's multiple settings you may customize within your theme json files, all of which can be seen in the default.json example:


  • name (S): Display name on the Theme button in /axp. This must be unique. (Default: Default)
  • enabled (B): Whether or not this theme is currently enabled. Only one theme may be set to true at any given moment. (Default: false)
  • translateX (D): How far away from the entity in the x direction the entity should be rendered. (Default: 0.0)
  • translateY (D): How far away from the entity in the y direction the entity should be rendered. (Default: 0.1)
  • translateZ (D): How far away from the entity in the z direction the entity should be rendered. (Default: 0.0)
  • globalColor (B): Whether or not the color of XP orbs should be synced, or instead based off of their lifetime. (Default: false)
  • scale (D): How large the entity should be rendered in relation to its texture. (Default: 0.3)


  • redStatic (B): Whether or not the red channel should remain constant as opposed to change over time. (Default: false)

  • redStaticValue (I): If the red channel is set to be static, how intense should the red be? (0 - 255) (Default: 255)

  • redSquareWave (B): Whether or not the change in color over time should be more jagged rather than smooth. (Default: false)

  • redWaveOffset (D): How much of an offset should there be between the other channels (0 is equivalent to 6, 12, etc.). (Default: 0.0)

  • redSpeed (D): How fast the channel color should change. (Default: 0.5)

  • redMultiplier (D): How intense the red channel should be. (0.0 - 1.0) (Default: 1.0)

  • greenStatic (B): Whether or not the green channel should change over time or remain constant. (Default: true)

  • greenStaticValue (I): If the green channel is set to be static, how intense should the green be? (0 - 255) (Default: 255)

  • greenSquareWave (B): Whether or not the change in color over time should be more jagged rather than smooth. (Default: false)

  • greenWaveOffset (D): How much of an offset should there be between the other channels (0 is equivalent to 6, 12, etc.). (Default: 2.0)

  • greenSpeed (D): How fast the channel color should change. (Default: 0.5)

  • greenMultiplier (D): How intense the green channel should be. (0.0 - 1.0) (Default: 1.0)

  • blueStatic (B): Whether or not the blue channel should change over time or remain constant. (Default: false)

  • blueStaticValue (I): If the blue channel is set to be static, how intense should the blue be? (0 - 255) (Default: 255)

  • blueSquareWave (B): Whether or not the change in color over time should be more jagged rather than smooth. (Default: false)

  • blueWaveOffset (D): How much of an offset should there be between the other channels (0 is equivalent to 6, 12, etc.). (Default: 4.0)

  • blueSpeed (D): How fast the channel color should change. (Default: 0.5)

  • blueMultiplier (D): How intense the blue channel should be. (0.0 - 1.0) (Default: 0.2)

Pre-written Themes

If you're not in the mood to create a theme yourself, or just don't understand how it works, that's okay. I've created a bunch of sample themes you can download and choose from. Head to the themes folder and copy the themes you like into the config/advancedxp/themes folder.