Advancement Trophies

Advancement Trophies


You can also download the mod here: -- With a better file system

This Forge and Fabric mod gives you a trophy when you complete an advancement. The trophy looks like this:

Trophy Preview for 3 trophies

This is not all of the trophies -- This is just for display.

I am currently re-writing this mod!

Keep an eye out in the next few weeks as there will be updates to the mod! - Huge updates!

If you are running version 1.4:
You can enable disable particles on trophies with the config file located here: config/advancementtophies.json - Alternatively, the number of particles respect the particles settings in the options window in minecraft. (Normal Particle Settings: 1 in 2 chance of spawning particle -- Decreased: 1 in 6 chance of spawning particle -- Minimal: No Particles)
You can also enable/disable the names of the advancement on the trophy, Add excluded namespaces/advancement resource locations or the outdated version message on join.
If you have advanced tooltips enabled: F3 + H - You can view the item that will be displayed when hovering over the item in an inventory.

The name and the item changes based on what advancement the trophy is for.

Patch notes can be viewed here:

Feel free to use this mod in your modpacks!

Made by JoshuaEpstein

Fabric Version was made possible by acikek