Adventure and Exploration is a mod that improves your exploration and adventure in the game by improving biomes and adding more structures.
1.0.0 / Desert Update:
- Parallelepiped sandstone and its variations;
- Sandstone Bricks and Tiles and their variations;
- Quicksand;
- Small cactus and its flowering variation;
- New structures, Little Pyramid and the Tower of the Desert;
- New mob, Ancient Mumia;
- The mummy drops Papyrus Paper, Mumia's Soul and rarely a Thunder Sword;
- New mob, Sorcerer Mumia, only appears in the Desert Tower;
- With gold and mummy soul, craft an arcane gold bar;
- New arcane gold costumes:
- Golden Scarab;
- Key of Life;
- Pharaoh's Staff.
And many other resources for the desert!
Under development:
1.1.0 / Deep Dark Update:
Leave your suggestion for idea how to improve the mod :)
Made in MCreator