Adventure Loot for Fabric and Forge. Adventure-style item drops.
The Adventure Loot is a mod created for players who like to play while traveling around the world. The animals and enemies will drop enough items for you to survive, even without sleep. This mod does not remove any original drops but replaces raw meat with cooked meat. New drops have a 20% to 40% chance of happening.
Bonus Chest:
iron_axe, iron_pickaxe, spyglass, cooked_salmon, arrow, bow
- Chicken: cooked_chicken
- Cow: Leather boots, leather chestplate, leather helmet, leather leggings, cooked beef
- Sheep: cooked_mutton
- Pig: cooked_porkchop
- Rabbit: cooked rabbit, strong leaping potion
- Frog: froglight, strong leaping potion
- Polar Bear: strength potion
- Horse: 1-2 cooked beef, swiftness potion
- Squid: potion speed
- Bat: long night vision
- Glow Squid: night vision (50% chance)
- Zombie: potion healing, apple
- Skeleton: arrow (1 to 3), potion swiftness, bones
- Spider: potion strong leaping, potion healing
- Creeper: potion strength, experience bottle (1 to 2), honey_bottle, potion strong regeneration
- Enderman: ender pearl (1 to 3), potion strong regeneration, 1-2 Obsidian
- Pillager: arrow (1 to 3), iron nugget (1 to 3), gold nugget (1 to 3), iron ingot, gold ingot
- Vindicator: strong regeneration, 1-2 emerald
- Drowned: water breathing (40% chance)
- Husk: potion healing (30% chance)
- Stray: 1-3 arrows, 1-1 slowness arrows, swiftness potion, bow
- Evoker: 1-3 Emerald, strong regeneration potion or 2-3 experience bottle,s or 1-2 obsidian