Requires the library mod Collective.
Adventure Mode Tweaks makes various changes to, you guessed it, adventure mode game mechanics. The idea came from realizing that players are able to break paintings, which obviously shouldn't be the case. The functionality was extended from there.
For example, without the mod, you are able to break minecarts but not place them. And both break and place boats. Breaking leads can be unintended by RPG map makers as well. Everything is configurable so you can choose exactly what to enable and disable.
You can also use the mod to have all new players spawn in Adventure Mode. Useful if you have a mod pack that uses a specific scenario. See the features and images below for more information!
Features: (while in Adventure Mode)
• Everything is entirely configurable.
• Force Adventure Mode in new worlds, includes UI updates.
• Prevent passive and/or hostile mob attacks.
• Prevent users from breaking paintings.
• Prevent item frames from being broken, but allow taking items.
• Both place and break boats and minecarts (or disable it instead).
• Prevent entity interaction entirely.
• Prevent breaking and using leads.
• Prevent the use of ender pearls.
• Disable being able to sleep in beds.
• Disable fishing and/or hooking entities.
• Prevent shearing sheep and/or milking cows.
• Prevent placed TNT from being lit.
Configurable: ( how do I configure? )
forceSurvivalToAdventureMode (default = false): Globally changes Survival Mode to Adventure Mode. This is done when a player joins a world. The Create World Screen UI is updated accordingly as well.
preventAttackingCreatureMobs (default = false): Stops players in Adventure Mode from harming passive mobs.
preventAttackingMonsterMobs (default = false): Prevents Adventure Mode players from attacking hostile mobs.
preventEntityInteraction (default = false): Disables right-click interactions with entities while in Adventure Mode.
preventDestroyingPaintings (default = true): Adventure Mode players can't break paintings. In vanilla Minecraft this is allowed.
preventDestroyingItemFrames (default = true): Prevents breaking item frames when in Adventure Mode. In vanilla Minecraft this is allowed.
preventLootingItemFrames (default = false): Stops Adventure Mode players from taking items from item frames.
preventBreakingMinecarts (default = false): Prevents players in Adventure Mode from destroying minecarts.
allowPlacingMinecarts (default = true): Allows minecarts to be placed even in Adventure Mode. Default Minecraft behaviour is no placement.
preventBreakingBoats (default = false): Prevents players in Adventure Mode from destroying boats.
allowPlacingBoats (default = true): Allows boat placement while in Adventure Mode. Default Minecraft behaviour is allowed placement.
preventCreeperBlockDamage (default = true): Stops creepers from destroying blocks when exploded near an Adventure Mode player.
preventUseOfEnderPearls (default = false): Blocks ender pearl from being used by Adventure Mode players.
preventBedSleeping (default = false): Prevents sleeping in beds while in Adventure Mode.
preventLightningTNT (default = false): Prevents Adventure Mode players from lighting TNT with a flint & steel.
preventFishing (default = false): Adventure Mode players can't use fishing rods.
preventFishingRodHookedEntities (default = true): Stops players with fishing rods from hooking entities in Adventure Mode.
preventUseOfLeads (default = false): Prevent using and breaking leads in Adventure Mode.
preventCowMilking (default = false): Prevents cows from being milked while in Adventure Mode. Redundant if 'preventEntityInteraction' is enabled.
preventSheepShearing (default = false): Stops sheep from being sheared by Adventure Mode players. Redundant if 'preventEntityInteraction' is enabled.
Be able to force Adventure Mode in the create world screen. Off by default:
Prevent painting and item frames from being broken, but keep loot capability:
Be able to place and break both boats and minecarts. Or not, fully configurable:
Block Creeper block damage for Adventure Mode players only:
You may freely use this mod in any modpack, as long as the download remains hosted within the CurseForge ecosystem. contains an overview and more information on all mods available.
Comments are disabled as I'm unable to keep track of all the separate pages on each mod.
For issues, ideas, suggestions or anything else there is the Github repo. Thanks!