AdventureCraft Sulfur
This mod adds sulfur to the game as a resource of the Nether.
Sulfur can be only obtained from glowstonedust on the crafting table, so there is no sulfur ore. I didn't want to add another ore to the game.
Additionally, slimeballs and gunpowder can be craft with sulfur. That also means you don't ave to kill mobs to get these items.
In Summary, the mod only adds 1 Item (Sulfur) and 3 Recipes.
So this Mod is quite small and should not interfere with other Mods.
- Glowstone Dust to Sulfur
Crafting Gunpowder
- 2x Sulfur
- Bonemeal
- Coal
Crafting Slimeballs
- 8x Sulfur
- Sapling