AE2 Unofficial Extended Life

AE2 Unofficial Extended Life


ME network incorrectly calculates and displays items

lLuffy-1PK opened this issue · 4 comments


Hi. I am facing a problem on a server while using this fork. When a player requests a craft, ME network begins to live its own life and incorrectly displays the number of resources in the network. There is also a situation when the crafting process begins and at some point in time it just hangs. In order to fix it I have to pull out and put back ME Cells in the ME Drive. Important thing to note is that this primarily happens when there are a lot of people on the server (> 40), on an empty server though this bug cannot be reproduced.

Here is the example: a player has 35 glass stored in the network. After requesting a craft (which requires 20 glass), ME Network displays that the network has 20 glass (which was just required by the requested craft), when in fact there is only 15. Let me know if you need more details. I am using the latest version of the fork, reproduced on the clean build without any other mods.

  • Minecraft Version: 1.12.2
  • AE2 Version: appliedenergistics2-rv6-stable-7-extended_life-v0.52.8
  • Forge Version: 1.12.2 -

which pack is this server running ?


I am not using any modpack as I've built my custom one. But anyway, even with a fresh installation on Mohist (server core) I am able to reproduce this issue. Am I missing something? Maybe I can run some additional tests so it will be easier for us to narrow down all possibilities?


I am not using any modpack as I've built my custom one. But anyway, even with a fresh installation on Mohist (server core) I am able to reproduce this issue. Am I missing something? Maybe I can run some additional tests so it will be easier for us to narrow down all possibilities?

Could you try it without using Mohist? Just normal forge?


I've already tried and the result is the same.