Ticking GridNode server crash
Seceroth opened this issue · 0 comments
Describe the bug
Server crashes at random times. The StorageBus that seems to be the problem is attached to an Item Barrel Connector from the mod YABBA, which has several barrels attached.
Expected behavior
Most of the time it works as expected, and then sometimes it without doing anything myself crashes the server. Items are being put into the barrels automatically by farms though.
Additional context
The ME Storage Bus:
Crash log:
Modpack: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/infinityevolved-reloaded/files/3794158
Added SpongeForge because it's running behind a proxy.
- Minecraft Version: 1.12.2
- AE2 Version: rv6-stable-7-extended_life-v0.52.7
- Forge Version:
Edit: Happens when attached to a Barrel too, not just on a Barrel Connector.