[TC] Lava bucket's aspect is randomly changed and pauses autocrafting
Preta-Crowz opened this issue · 0 comments
Describe the bug
When importing or exporting lava bucket, some of them got wrong aspect instead of normal one.
Upper one is normal but lower is not.
And it makes AE to detect them as different items and pauses autocrafting.
To Reproduce
It happens randomly but not confirmed on different modpacks.
Only confirmed on DJ2. (DJ2 has aspect bug on buckets but I'm not sure that issue is related with it.)
Expected behavior
Aspect should not be changed.
or AE should detect them as same item.
Additional context
These two items are completely same except for aspect.
(They don't have any NBT and metadata is 0.)
Export bus still detects them as one item and it makes auto convert not possible.
- Minecraft Version: 1.12.2
- AE2 Version: rv6-stable-7-extend_life-v0.52.4
- Forge Version:
- SP/MP : Multiplayer
- Server Software : Forge,
- Modpack Used : Divine Journey 2, 2.14.2
- Thaumcraft Version : 6.1.BETA26