MAX button in pattern terminal
dtcameron opened this issue · 0 comments
Please add a MAX button in the terminal to automagically have the max number of items that can fit in a pattern.
Describe the feature
When you click the MAX button AE2 should try and multiply the pattern until either there is no more space in the input or output for more items
Reasons why it should be considered
Late game, and especially when working with GCM machines, that can perform up to 256 recipes per operation, it makes sense for many reasons to have patterns with vast input quantities, having a button that would automatically max out the number of items in a pattern would make creating these patterns much easier. The current +1,2x,3x etc buttons are not sufficient as they only increment the number of items within a stack.
Additional Context
This is what manual patterns creators would have you do, utterly deranged!