AE2 Unofficial Extended Life

AE2 Unofficial Extended Life


Reward players respecting channels when `Channels` feature is disabled

slava110 opened this issue · 2 comments


Describe the feature
In newer version of AE you can have infinite channels but if you still respect channel rules you will have significantly lower energy consumption. I think something like that could be implemented in 1.12
Also thought about other benefits for players respecting channels but I cannot imagine anything except energy consumption. Maybe you can?

Reasons why it should be considered
I'm playing with my friend who really likes all this channel stuff and thinks it's interesting. For me tho it is frustrating to play with channels. So I thought it would be cool if I will be able to make my ME network without channels and he will be able to make his network with channels + also will have some benefits from that so it will be kinda fair

Additional Context
You can add lower consumption ratio as config option


implemented in 7996c44
Now having a ME controller on your network gives you a energy discount.


@PrototypeTrousers, I'm using v0.53.4 and this feature doesn't work for me. Was it tested? Am I doing something wrong
2022-08-29_10 16 56
2022-08-29_10 17 00