AE2 Unofficial Extended Life

AE2 Unofficial Extended Life


Shift clicking the down arrow in the pattern terminal creates an encoded pattern with no recipe

Renno231 opened this issue · 4 comments


Describe the bug
In version v0.53.5 (in the 1.12.2 modpack) when shift clicking the button to encode a pattern with the recipe in the pattern terminal its supposed to encode it as normal and then insert said pattern into the players inventory, but instead it encodes a blank recipe on the pattern and puts it into the players inventory.

To Reproduce
Try to make an encoded pattern the normal way except hold shift when clicking the encode (down arrow) button.

Expected behavior
Should place a pattern with the recipe in the pattern terminal into the players inventory

MP, 1.12.2 pack

  • Minecraft Version:
  • AE2 Version: 0.53.5
  • Forge Version:

This was already fixed in 1ed6548


It also appears to happen even normally when not holding shift, I have to (every time) click the button twice otherwise it encodes a blank pattern.


2022-09-17_16 03 55
2022-09-17_16 03 57
2022-09-17_16 03 59


If this is referring to, I'll update the pack with the new mod version in the next couple of days