Change craftingCalculationTimePerTick to ms or float
Preta-Crowz opened this issue · 7 comments
Describe the feature
Change craftingCalculationTimePerTick
on config to use milisecond, or second with float.
Reasons why it should be considered
It uses second and accepts int.
This makes users can't config it to less value than 1 second or use non-int values like 500ms or 2.5s.
Additional Context
A full tick lasts 50ms, and everything in the game is ran in that amount of time for a 20 TPS experience. 5ms per tick is already a lot of time.
WHY do you want to configure this.
A full tick lasts 50ms, and everything in the game is ran in that amount of time for a 20 TPS experience. 5ms per tick is already a lot of time.
WHY do you want to configure this.
Because it's not 5ms, it's 5s.
See code that I referenced.
Also, if it's already using ms instead of second, then it should make server slow instead of stop entire server.
[14:46:43] [AE Crafting Calculator/INFO] [AE2:S]: CraftingJob (simulated, failed) issued by GCEntityPlayerMP['KoKo_Nya'/55772, l='world', x=81.86, y=65.00, z=131.99] requesting [1xextendedcrafting:table_ultimate] using 70914 bytes took 13108 us
[14:46:44] [Server thread/WARN] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer]: Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded? Running 13731ms behind, skipping 274 tick(s)
I created this issue because server is freezing around 10 secs everytime someone request autocrafting.
I confirmed calculating itself is not take much time, but server still has lagspike on request.