The automatic synthesis of the required items is displayed incorrectly, so the synthesis cannot be carried out
FnTlv opened this issue · 3 comments
As shown in the picture above, when automatically synthesizing 1 64K Crafting Storage, the redstone display still lacks 144 redstones, and when automatically synthesizing 10 64K Crafting Storage, the redstone display still lacks 1440 redstones, and my ME Drive has 6017 redstones at this time.But it has a chance to trigger, not every time
- Minecraft Version: 1.12.2
- AE2 Version: appliedenergistics2-rv6-stable-7-extended_life-v0.54.8
- Forge Version:2860
Does skipping the crafting plan view ( Hold shift while on the crafting amount gui and click next), makes it craft ?
Does skipping the crafting plan view ( Hold shift while on the crafting amount gui and click next), makes it craft ?
I did, but it's still the same.
@PrototypeTrousers Check out this video, #172 and this to be the same bug,Auto-compositing shows missing items also cannot take out the items in the ME Drive.