Oredict template (sample) for all gt materials
nemo48rus opened this issue · 1 comments
Describe the feature
I desire about easy templates for all materials of Gregtech. 1. We have "universal tamplate" we code it to wonna do ANY ingot to ANY plate. At terminal it will looks like all existed plates.
It should work like oredict filter for mech's or it may be like integrated "input bus" for multiblock structure's. (It may be at gtnh 1.7.10...)
Reasons why it should be considered
- At any version AE and GT - get all templates for all types of ingots for me have big % of gameplay. It can be not the most fun part, when you need have 2 interfaces for 1 input bus of 1 multi's. GTNH or TFG may have another way content without infinate coding templates
- It may be middle-content feature. With new useful oredict-terminal and tamplates type.