How to actually double/halve the configured item amount in ME Interface?
mycroftjr opened this issue ยท 5 comments
Is there a way in 0.54.9 (or later) to actually double/halve the configured item amounts in the ME Interface? https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/ae2-extended-life/files/4032765 says
Interfaces can now hold up to 512 items in each slot
but that only increments/decrements the count for me.
To Reproduce
Click 64 of an item into an ME Interface autostock configuration slot, then let go of the items and shift + Mouse Wheel scroll up
Expected behavior
The configured amount of the item should double to 128 (or if +1/-1 is intended for Shift + Mouse Wheel scroll, an alternate set of controls to do so be documented)
On a localhost server world, modpack is Divine Journey 2 v2.18.0
- Minecraft Version: 1.12.2
- AE2 Version: rv6-stable-7-extended_life-v0.54.9
- Forge Version: 14.23.5,2860
ah, you're talking about the config slots of an interface, my bad.
in which case, the most you can do is shift + scroll wheel for now
There are already buttons to 2x and 3x the inputs and outputs of a processing pattern in the pattern terminal
Looks like the key combo is actually CTRL + Shift + Mouse wheel to double/halve.
Looks like the key combo is actually CTRL + Shift + Mouse wheel to double/halve.
When I try that, the config slot gets cleared and 127 of the item briefly appear in the output slot. Relogging does not change this.
Clicking in the output slot then gives a ghost stack of the item?
And normal shift-scrolling in the config slot doesn't restore the item or numbers.
It works up until the resulting number is greater than a stack though!
remade for clarity as https://github.com/PrototypeTrousers/Applied-Energistics-2/issues/196