AE2 Unofficial Extended Life

AE2 Unofficial Extended Life


Feature request: Show dimension ID / name when highlighting interface location

asoftbird opened this issue · 0 comments


Describe the feature

The text that appears in chat with the coordinates of the highlighted interface should display the dimension the interface is in.
It currently shows coordinates only, but not in which dimension this interface is located.
This might also need a message that tells the player the highlight isn't visible in the current dimension if the selected interface is located in another dimension, such as "The interface is located in a different dimension (<DIM ID/name>) and could not be highlighted."

Reasons why it should be considered

If the player is in a different dimension than the interface, the highlight does not show and the player may not be able to find the interface. However, the message still shows up displaying coordinates, which will not correspond to the interface in the current dimension.

Additional Context

Tested in latest pre-release version v40c.

Current situation:

Desired feature mockup: