AE2 Unofficial Extended Life

AE2 Unofficial Extended Life


Machine output consuming an additional copy of AE2 requested items.

Yakobro opened this issue · 3 comments


When the system takes items out of drawers for other machines interfaces, twice that amount disappears from the machines internal output if the drawer was full when the items were requested. This extra amount stops existing in the game and simply vanishes.

Describe the bug
It seems that another copy of items that the system requests will disappear from gregtech machines internal storage if it's trying to output into a full storage drawer.

Setting a robot arm to keep the drawer not-full will stop the bug.

To Reproduce
Not sure if's a certain scale or if it's a general problem.
Using version 1.5.0 of Nomifactory CEu
I have interfaces feeding my greg machines that export into storage drawers. Those drawers are available to AE2 via Drawer Controllers.
When an interface requests an item and pulls it from the drawer an extra copy of the request will disappear when the machine fills the drawer.

Expected behavior
Only one copy of the requested materials should be used, but via observing multiple machines double the amount is vanishing from the machines internal output with the extra "copy" vanishing.

Additional context
Originally posted to Nomi CEu git and was advised to post it here.

Nomifactory CEu 1.5.0
No other mods, even attempted a fresh install with the same world.

  • Minecraft Version: 1.12.2
  • AE2 Version: appliedenergistics2-rv6-stable-7-extended_life-v0.54.19.jar
  • Forge Version:

Storage drawers bug. Could try disabling "enableItemConversion" in the strage drawers config file


That seems to have fixed it (at least on the machine I checked)

Out of curiosity, what exactly did it disable, so I know if any other weird behaviour happens because of it


i think it disables the ore dict conversion of items.