Crafting Calculation Shows Resource as Missing when it isn't
Renno231 opened this issue · 7 comments
When using the system, random items are available in the immediate storage but when requesting a craft using that item it shows that there isn't enough in stock (e.g. having 1500 iron ingots, trying to craft 10 accelerator cards and the crafting screen showing there is 0 iron in the system). For whatever reason this seems to happen especially often with iron ingots.
To Reproduce
Setup a normal typical ME system.
Expected behavior
Resources should be accessible if they are in the system.
Minecraft Version: 1.12.2
AE2 Version: 0.54.19
Forge Version:
The issue appears to be cascading since you have to manually repair every affected recipe, and the more recipes I fix for say Iron Ingots or Redstone, the more recipes with other items randomly break.
The numerous critical bugs in this fork of AE2 have made this unbearable. Patterns get corrupted and have to be remade every use; storages randomly lose access to its contents requiring cells to have to be manually taken in/out at random.
Are you using OpenJ9 or any kind of same?
Is iron ingot on the network storage?
Or storage bus?