AE2 Unofficial Extended Life

AE2 Unofficial Extended Life


Fluid Storage bus not filtering properly - Omnifactory Dev 2.9.4 nightly 20150209

Selway00 opened this issue · 1 comments


Describe the bug

Fluid storage buses are not honoring proper formatting. They will insert any available liquid into a tank even if it has the proper formatting.
Workaround: Format every single open spot on the fluid storage bus with the same fluid. Then it cannot insert the wrong fluid.

To Reproduce
Place fluid storage bus. Format it with liquid A. Also have liquid B entering the AE system looking for a container. The fluid storage bus will sometimes insert fluid B through a fluid storage bus formatted with fluid A.

Expected behavior
The fluid storage bus does not insert any fluid other than the formatted one.

Additional context
None other than this mod is amazing and has improved performance so much my mind is blown. Thank you.


  • Omnifactory Dev 2.9.4 nightly 20150209

  • Minecraft Version: 1.12.2

  • AE2 Version: rv6-stable-7.omni-fixes-v40b

  • Forge Version:


fixed by 3394643