AE2 Unofficial Extended Life

AE2 Unofficial Extended Life


Mutual subnets(?) cause over-reporting items on world load

tunnels-end opened this issue · 4 comments


I don't know whether to consider this a bug report, a feature request, or simply a question about edge case behavior and how to work around it, but my best guess is the following behavior is unintended and will treat this as a bug report.

Describe the bug

Under some circumstances involving multiple networks mutually exposing their inventories, upon exiting and reloading a world a network will display more items than it actually has. I assume the reason is something to the effect of it sees its own contents directly, as well as indirectly through a loop of ME interfaces + storage buses. I have been unable to reproduce this in rv6-stable-7 (i.e. main branch of AE2,) and breaking and replacing ME interfaces usually seems to fix this until the next world load, so I'm inferring this is likely a bug.

To Reproduce

I have been unable to reproduce this with only two networks, maybe I just wasn't persistent enough. Attached are screenshots of a small toy network-cluster-thing I reproduced this with on a fresh install with only rv6-stable-7-extended_life-v0.55.10 and Forge, which displays double the items actually in the system. Sometimes this happens just building the network without a world reload, but this seems to depend on the order in which the blocks are placed and I don't understand this fully. If you're unable to reproduce this, here is a zip of the world folder: New

Simply: build the structure shown in the attached screenshots, place an item in, then close and reopen the world. The GUI will display double the items actually in the system.

Expected behavior

On right-clicking the ME Terminal, I expect the interface to show 1 ME Drive in the system (the actual number stored in the storage cell), rather than the 2 it does show. I am assuming this is the intended behavior.

Additional context

2023-03-14_09 58 14
2023-03-14_18 01 13
2023-03-14_09 58 26


  • Minecraft Version: 1.12.2
  • AE2 Version: rv6-stable-7-extended_life-v0.55.10
  • Forge Version:

Possibly a duplicate of I'm not seeing enough context there to be sure.


Interesting: I tried this with v6-stable-7-extended_life-v50j, downloaded from this repository's tags, and was unable to reproduce. What is the relationship of v0.55.10, from curseforge (, and this repository? Since the curseforge page directs me here as its source, I had assumed this is where to ask about v0.55.10, but now I'm not certain since the tags in this repository seem very behind the curseforge page.


Update: I tried loading the nomifactory save where I originally encountered this with v6-stable-7-extended_life-v50j and it did still occur. However, I haven't reproduced it in v50j in a controlled environment.


i started pushing the builds to after complaints from mod pack makers that this wasnt a mod allowed to be bundled from external sources despite being in the curseforge allowed builds, twice even.

regarding the bug i hoped force resetting the count when loos were made was enough. im not willing to invest the time to redo/rework item amount propagation. so this is bug is staying. Sorry. just dont do that (TM).