Cell Duplication Glitch with ME IO Port
ByThePowerOfScience opened this issue · 1 comments
When you have multiple identical cells in your inventory, you can move a stack of cells into the IO Port's input by double-clicking. When a stack of cells are in a single slot of the input, no cells are consumed when new cells are placed on the output side.
To Reproduce
This is easiest to reproduce with an empty cell, but I'd imagine any identical cells would work.
- Have multiple identical cells in your inventory, such that they would be stackable if they were allowed to be.
- Open the ME IO Port GUI.
- Select any item, then hold shift and double-click on another of the cells with the item selected. You should see all of the matching cells be moved to a single stack in the IO Port.
- Retrieve infinite cells from the output until you remove the stack from the input.
I'm not certain how this affects the items stored inside, but I'd imagine it wouldn't be good.
- Minecraft Version: 1.12.2
- AE2 Version: rv6-stable-7-extended_life-v0.54.19
- Forge Version:
- Modpack: Divine Journey 2 v2.19.1
- Multiplayer on divinejourney2.mineyourmind.net