AE2 P2P Energy Tunnel and DE Energy Pylon crash
TheRealPhyton opened this issue · 1 comments
I have the DE Energy Core T8 and I attached some P2P tunnels to the Pylons. I dont know what of them is the issue since I cannot even enter in the world rn (instant crash). A minute ago was perfectly fine, a minute later it crashed.
To Reproduce
I don't know if it is replicable in other world since i changed nothing and it crashed. In case: insert in the battery the energy from multiple sources with p2p tunnel, every tunnel has a different energy setup. For example 1 is solar power, 1 is numismatic, 1 is diesel.
Another P2P Tunnel that extract from the battery and powers everything
The energy for powering the ME is on another energy pylon
Expected behavior
In and Out from the battery with p2p tunnels
Additional context
Minecraft Version:
Pack: Omnifactory 1.2.2
AE2 Version: appliedenergistics2-rv6-stable-7.omni-fixes-v41c.jar
Forge Version:
If you want a quick solution to enter your world, you can set B:removeErroringTileEntities
(found in forge.cfg) to true and enter you world. Once you enter you world, make the changes to your P2P, and leave to set B:removeErroringTileEntities
back to false. I and another user have also experienced this issue.