AE2 Unofficial Extended Life

AE2 Unofficial Extended Life


Stuff getting stuck in ae2 system

y-uz opened this issue · 2 comments


When I put items into ae2 system, they sometimes get stuck

Sometimes I accidentally place some items into the ae2 system, but when I try to grab them out, I am unable to take them out. It seems to only sometimes happen with non-stackable items.

  1. Have working ae2 system
  2. item goes in
  3. try taking item out
  4. item won't come out

Expected behavior
item should come out with no problems

Additional context (video of me not being able to take items out)

singleplayer, ae2 system with auto crafting, solar panels powering it (generation: 65,000 FE/tick, Transfer: 512,000 FE/tick), using ME controllers, using ME drives

other mods/version
Forge 1.12.2 (
Project Ozone 3 Modpack (latest version)


ah, this is due to the NBT of the item stored within AE. Do not put items with a lot of NBT into AE, as it can cause world corruption. you can use an export bus configured to the item to get it back out


ah, this is due to the NBT of the item stored within AE. Do not put items with a lot of NBT into AE, as it can cause world corruption. you can use an export bus configured to the item to get it back out

with fuzzy upgrade*