Stuff getting stuck in ae2 system
y-uz opened this issue · 2 comments
When I put items into ae2 system, they sometimes get stuck
Sometimes I accidentally place some items into the ae2 system, but when I try to grab them out, I am unable to take them out. It seems to only sometimes happen with non-stackable items.
- Have working ae2 system
- item goes in
- try taking item out
- item won't come out
Expected behavior
item should come out with no problems
Additional context
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7w_UBkp2wk (video of me not being able to take items out)
singleplayer, ae2 system with auto crafting, solar panels powering it (generation: 65,000 FE/tick, Transfer: 512,000 FE/tick), using ME controllers, using ME drives
other mods/version
Forge 1.12.2 (
Project Ozone 3 Modpack (latest version)
ah, this is due to the NBT of the item stored within AE. Do not put items with a lot of NBT into AE, as it can cause world corruption. you can use an export bus configured to the item to get it back out