AE2 Unofficial Extended Life

AE2 Unofficial Extended Life


Mekanism autocrafting with energy tablets not working

mugeron opened this issue · 2 comments


If I try to autocraft mekanism machines with energy tablets or energy cubes as ingredients the system will say that the tablets are missing or it will try to craft the energy cube with itself (there is no such crafting pattern) or it will say that I would say that it crafts the item but it does not and i have to restart the craft

Because I wanted to use a more up to date version of ae2, i replaced ae2 with ae2 unofficial in Enigmatica 2 expert, which works, exept with mekanism. Strangely, normal ae2 had absolutely no problems with mekanism autocrafting

  • Minecraft Version: 1.12.2
  • AE2 Version: appliedenergistics2-rv6-stable-7-extended_life-v0.55.12.jar
  • Forge Version:

When you create the patterns that use energy tablets (or any Mekanism items with additional NBT data), you need to actually craft that item first and use the crafted item in the recipe for the AE2 pattern. You can't pull the energy tablet straight from JEI for the recipe because there is additional NBT data that is added to the item when it is actually crafted. AE2 won't find a craftable item because the item from JEI doesn't exactly match the crafted item.

I had this same issue when I switched to AE2 unofficial extended life, you'll need to remake all the recipes in the way I described above for crafting to work correctly for these items


can someone please check this cuz i already did that but still i think its not with just mekanism its overall with all the nbt with special tags,please fix this issue