[Bug] NBT data isn't removed off data drives when items are pulled
asoftbird opened this issue · 0 comments
Describe the bug
It seems that when items are removed from drives, some form of NBT data sticks around. Over time, this can accumulate, leading to incredibly large file sizes. When removing a particularly big drive from my system, the game kicked me out, saying that payload may not be larger than 32767 bytes
. When the NBT data of this drive was checked using advanced tooltips (F3+H), it contained more than 40.000 characters, even though the drive was unformatted and completely empty. See the screenshot below for reference (different drive, same problem)
To Reproduce
I'm not entirely sure how to reproduce it, but it seems that data isn't properly removed when items are taken from a drive. Simply take a drive, add items to it, close the window and reopen it, then take the items out again. In most cases, NBT data remains on the drive even though it is empty.
The payload may not be larger than 32767 bytes
kick only seems to occur with drives that have more than ~32.000 characters of NBT data; it did not occur when removing the drive pictured below through a storage bus.
Expected behavior
Relevant data is removed when items are removed, so an empty drive would have no NBT data remaining at all.
Additional context
This is a screenshot of the above drive shown in NBT Explorer; the highlighted entry is the drive itself. Shown is one of the ghost NBT data still on the drive; it shows an item count of 1, even though no items are stored on the drive.
- Minecraft Version: 1.12.2
- AE2 Version: appliedenergistics2-rv6-stable-7.omni-fixes-v42b
- Forge Version: