AE2 Unofficial Extended Life

AE2 Unofficial Extended Life


is there config with patten encode processesmod and crafting mode/how to turn it on

akasia opened this issue · 9 comments


about patten encode i see jimmycoa using just auto swhitch craftingmode and processes mod is that feature need to turn on on cofig ?
and 1 more thing that every time i loging to my single play world i hv to reconnect my me cable to let system to reconice that i on9 if not that 1 off my channel stay offline


by the way i using appliedenergistics2-rv6-stable-7.omni-fixes-v42d.jar ver on multiblock madness v.1.1.3

  1. is on by default
  2. are you using ME conduits from Ender IO?

1.hmm did i need to del conf file to make it work?
2021-06-20_09 32 35
2021-06-20_09 32 38
2021-06-20_09 32 44

2.yes is that related? but that just effect 1 connection only other 2 is ok just the 1 i connect to sotrage drive and terminal line
2021-06-20_09 36 31
but other 2 more that sign to machine is fine olso same way set up connect to ME conduits from Ender IO but i just work fine
2021-06-20_09 36 29


for the encoding issue remove the mod "just enough energistics".
the channel issue i'do have to test with channels on. ill look into it


oh ok that just enough energistics cosing that issue thx
and the channel issue i try blockupdate olso can't work just need to breakit and place it and that olso in 1 chunk
2021-06-20_10 05 39


do you remember when it stopped working? does it work normally on v41e ?


er.. never try with v41e just try on v42b
after i try i let you know


v41e still same when logging still same can't read out that channel
and i try switch side on controler and location still same need break and replace/direct using dense me condui olso same


it just sudden work mayb i update to v43d navermind than