An import bus cannot import items unless the first slot they check has a valid location on the network
trittimo opened this issue · 0 comments
An import bus cannot import items unless the first slot they check has a valid location on the network, EVEN IF there are other items in the inventory which should be extractable. Not relevant if you have simple networks with unfiltered drives, but for ore processing and many other more complex use-cases this makes import busses pretty much a no-go.
To Reproduce
Setup a filtered storage bus on a chest with at least one item in the filter. Add a chest with an import bus on the same network, and add something NOT in the filter in the first slot, and something that IS in the filter in any of the other slots. Observe as nothing gets extracted. If you take out the item from the first slot, you will see the items get extracted as expected into the storage bus chest.
Expected behavior
The import bus should check all valid slots to see if it can extract any items. If this has a performance drawback, well... pretty much every other mod handles it this way so it at the very least would be on par with those mods.
Additional context
Storage bus:
Very modded, nomifactory CEu. However, I did update to the very latest version of AE2 Extended Life on curseforge (appliedenergistics2-rv6-stable-7-extended_life-v0.55.29.jar)
- Minecraft Version: 1.12.2
- AE2 Version: appliedenergistics2-rv6-stable-7-extended_life-v0.55.29.jar
- Forge Version: