AE2 Unofficial Extended Life

AE2 Unofficial Extended Life


broken flux capacitor recipe every time login

akasia opened this issue · 6 comments


can i ask why that ae2 crafting flux capacitor from TE all frome leadstone to resonant whent i encode at 1st time it work well but after relog that is borken and need to encode agian to make work?
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  • Minecraft Version:
  • AE2 Version: v43d/v43f/v43g
  • Forge Version:

I'm closing this as stale. If this still a problem, feel free to reply!


have you encoded the patterns with substitutions on or off ?


need to turn off?
i trun on


my modpack has ender utilities and ender utilities has a block call junk storage for storage unstack item i has it high priority and all capacitor storage in side after it crafting at 1 state but it has issue to withdraw from junk storage i has to cancel crafting tesk and reoder crafting than it will withdraw from junk storage i dont so sure is this issue is the issue


and evertime try crafting nonstack item hv same issue like mek machine power cube induction cell sort stuft


sorry, i could not reproduce this issue you're having.
if you're having issues with pattern , try to encode it by placing a real item on the crafting grid (3x3), as some JEI recipes do not have the proper NBT tags when you transfer the recipe by clicking the [+] button