Level emitters are broken
MaGeBZz opened this issue · 1 comments
Describe the bug
I setup a subnet for all my level maintainers
They work properly first but then I noticed they randomly stopped and think there is enough in the system if I turn on "Emit when levels are below limit" so they don't even send a signal to my machines to produce things further
To Reproduce
Setup a level emitter and randomly it will stop working correctly (I subnetted the level emitters, but not sure if that is important to know at all)
Expected behavior
It should see the amounts of fluids/items and work properly but it doesn't
Fluid Craft for AE2-2.6.4-r
Playing Technological Journey (modpack) with the newest test version you get on the discord server
- Minecraft Version: 1.12.2
- AE2 Version: Uhm I guess ae2uel replaced it? Not 100% sure no AE2 Mod except the 4 mentioned before
- Forge Version: Forgelin-1.8.4? Don't know about forge