Interface Termninal / Crafting status window
s1mples opened this issue · 0 comments
some QoL stuff
add AE2 search engine into IT (Interface terminal) window:
- same search experience everywhere in AE2 (and with added search modifiers: "I:" - serch in ingridients list only, "O:" - serach only in output list, "M:" - searcj only in machines list - this will allow using only 1 search box. Yes, like in JEI)
- finally, i can find "where i crafting Iron Ingot?" in between hundreds of recipes (ATM, all additional word work as "word1 OR word2". And adding some frequent used part of word(ingot, iron, steel, pile, dust), leading to situation "I found what u searched! * Hundreds of recipes backlighted *"
please, make backlight/any-other-method-of-make-accent-on-slot for "founded slot" in IT - CUSTOMIZABLE. ATM. imho, u can allow user to choose between current method "almost not visible light green color of backgroud"(imho, worst) and previous "all slot was dimmed except founded"(imho, better). Allow user to choose colors. Another variants make-accent-on-slot: glint effect on "found slot", border around "found slot".
Wireless Interface Terminal. I have a troubles when searching "where this stuff placed?" in my GTCEU world (late game, hundreds of machines, hundred of specific processing lines, thousend of recipes) with CompactMachines. And dont reset with timer block outlining (reset with next open Interface Terminal)
fix scrollbar in CSW(CraftingStatusWindow). Right now u can scroll only with mouse clicks on scrollbar. But scrollbar in "active task status" - can be scrolled with mouse wheel.
add field "Elapsed time" to task in CSW:
- statistic usage (yes, I am interested in the elapsed time of the task)
- easy visual detection "stalled task" (stalled "prediction time" & growin "elapsed time")
- add ability to sort tasks with this field = easy to find "what my network cant handle fast ATM?"
add search field in CSW. Search in output\ingridients lists of current tasks. This allow to do a visual control of specific crafting task (by searching what u want to control). ATM, i cant do this because of using 50+ crafting CPU.
please keep values of input fields in IT. With user choose "Standart search"(current behavior) / "Standart search Keep". This will make life easier when i do task "find obsolete recipe, extract pattern, fix it, place it back to previous machine(here i have a troubles with current state(not remember what i search before & cannot find items precisely)"
Reasons why it should be considered
Additional Context
All of the above - NOT any type of offence. U do great work, guys. I ask to make in better. Cheers